Tuesday, January 29, 2008

How to relink the whole Oracle Applications 11i

Print this post Technology Stack Binaries inclusive Database :

1. Source the 9i ORACLE_HOME Environment
2. Execute the script $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/install/adlnkoh.sh
3. Source the iAS ORACLE_HOME Envrionment
4. Execute the script $ORACLE_HOME/bin/adlnkiAS.sh
5. Source the APPS Environment
6. Execute the script $ORACLE_HOME/bin/adlnk806.sh

Oracle E-Business-Suite Binaries :

1. Source the APPS Environment
2. Execute following command : adrelink.sh force=y "ad adadmin"
3. Execute adadmin
select --> '2. Maintain Applications Files menu'
select --> '1. Relink Applications programs'
--> select all modules to relink

Before starting the Instance, please open a new shell and source the Environment.


Unknown said...

Hi famy when i am relinking using adadmin should my application services be up or down please advice .Ihave a post patch step where I have to generate message files,forms and jar files would really appreciate if you could tell me if application services be up or down
Thanks in advance

Unknown said...

Excellent question. Once I ran a non-destructive program called CMCLEAN whilst Concurrent manager was up and all hell broke loose. I certainly learn from my mistake.