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Technology Stack Binaries inclusive Database :
1. Source the 9i ORACLE_HOME Environment
2. Execute the script $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/install/
3. Source the iAS ORACLE_HOME Envrionment
4. Execute the script $ORACLE_HOME/bin/
5. Source the APPS Environment
6. Execute the script $ORACLE_HOME/bin/
Oracle E-Business-Suite Binaries :
1. Source the APPS Environment
2. Execute following command : force=y "ad adadmin"
3. Execute adadmin
select --> '2. Maintain Applications Files menu'
select --> '1. Relink Applications programs'
--> select all modules to relink
Before starting the Instance, please open a new shell and source the Environment.
Hi famy when i am relinking using adadmin should my application services be up or down please advice .Ihave a post patch step where I have to generate message files,forms and jar files would really appreciate if you could tell me if application services be up or down
Thanks in advance
Excellent question. Once I ran a non-destructive program called CMCLEAN whilst Concurrent manager was up and all hell broke loose. I certainly learn from my mistake.
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