Sunday, March 23, 2008

scripts to monitor jdbc connections in Apps 11i and R12

Print this post


Just cut and past the sql block below and save in a file named monitor_jdbc_conn.sql

To run the script, just execute:

sqlplus apps/apps


Rem monitor_jdbc_conn.sql
Rem    NAME
Rem      monitor_jdbc_conn.sql
Rem      This shows JDBC connection utilization on database by machine, process
Rem      and module.
Rem    NOTES
Rem      Runs as apps or apps read only user

-- Set header information for all columns used
set lines 120
set pages 500
column module  heading "Module Name"  format a48;
column machine heading "Machine Name" format a25;
column process heading "Process ID"   format a10;
column inst_id heading "Instance ID"   format 99;
column inst_id heading "Program"   format a15;
column username for a10
column sid for 9999
column sql_text for a50

prompt =======================================================
prompt JDBC Connections
select to_char(sysdate, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi') Time from dual
prompt =======================================================

prompt JDBC Connection Usage Per JVM Process
prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
select count(*), process from v$session
where program like '%JDBC%'
group by process
order by 1 asc

prompt Connection Usage Per Module
prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
select count(*), module
from v$session
where program like '%JDBC%'
group by module
order by 1 asc
prompt Connection Usage Per process and module 
prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
select count(*), process, module
from v$session
where program like '%JDBC%'
group by  process, module 
order by 1 asc
prompt Idle connections for more than 3 hours 
prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
select count(*),machine, program 
from v$session
where program like '%JDBC%'
and  last_call_et > 3600 *3
group by machine, program

prompt Active connections which are taking more than 10 min to run
prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
select *
from v$session
where program like '%JDBC%'
and last_call_et > 600
and status = 'ACTIVE'
order by last_call_et asc

prompt Statements from JDBC connections taking more than 10 min to run
prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
select s.process, s.sid,  t.sql_text
from v$session s, v$sql t
where s.sql_address =t.address 
and s.sql_hash_value =t.hash_value
and s.program like '%JDBC%'
and s.last_call_et > 600
and s.status = 'ACTIVE'

prompt Active connections which are taking more than 20 min to run
prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
select *
from v$session
where program like '%JDBC%'
and last_call_et > 1200
and status = 'ACTIVE'
order by last_call_et asc
prompt Statements from JDBC connections taking more than 20 min to run
prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
select s.process, s.sid,  t.sql_text
from v$session s, v$sql t
where s.sql_address =t.address 
and s.sql_hash_value =t.hash_value
and s.program like '%JDBC%'
and s.last_call_et > 1200
and s.status = 'ACTIVE'

prompt Active connections which are taking more than 30 min to run
prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
select *
from v$session
where program like '%JDBC%'
and last_call_et > 1800
and status = 'ACTIVE'
order by last_call_et asc
prompt Statements from JDBC connections taking more than 30 min to run
prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
select s.process, s.sid,  t.sql_text
from v$session s, v$sql t
where s.sql_address =t.address 
and s.sql_hash_value =t.hash_value
and s.program like '%JDBC%'
and s.last_call_et > 1800
and s.status = 'ACTIVE'
prompt Inactive connections which last ran fnd_security_pkg.fnd_encrypted_pwd
prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
select s.sql_hash_value, t.sql_text, s.last_call_et
from v$session s , v$sqltext t
where s.username = 'APPLSYSPUB'
and s.sql_hash_value= t.hash_value 
and t.sql_text like  '%fnd_security_pkg.fnd_encrypted_pwd(:1,:2,:3%';
prompt =======================================================

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